Friday, April 29, 2011

Native American Input for Exhibit

Canandaigua Treaty
by Robt Griffing

Used with permission

It's Friday and it's late but I did want to acknowledge and thank Peter Jemison at Ganondagan State Historic Site for scheduling a meeting with the museum staff and our consultant, Linda Norris from RiverHill Asso. The association between the museum and Ganondagan will be a great addition to our exhibit research and help us better understanding the Seneca and Iroquois perspective of our time period.

Also, we have posted a link at to sign up for our next webinar The Canandaigua Treaty. It will be at 7 PM on May 18th. Hope to see you there.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Why Do People Label Others as "Greedy"

Our Distance Learning Developer, Ray suggests that people pursue a basic human desire of "respect" in a community through personal success. Success can be measured by money, assets or position among other things. Accumulation of the stuff of success can lead for others to classify the accumulator as "greedy". The accuser through whose lens a person is "greedy" may have many motivations to make the claim. Ray suggests further that one motivation may be the lack of self respect or the lack of respect afforded the accuser by the accumulator of wealth (greedy one) may very well be the motivator of the name calling. Maybe jealousy comes into play.

Give it some thought..... have you ever thought of someone as being greedy? What was your motivation in making that claim?

To learn more about three of our great land speculators we have recorded a webinar that is available for public viewing. The link to this 1 hr, 20 min session is: